1. To raise up disciples and leaders who know their identity and are equipped to step into their calling within God’s overall redemptive plan.
2. To see the church engaged in worship that is biblically holistic, prophetic and theologically accurate, as individuals, as families, in small communities and in the corporate gathering.
3. To help the church grow in intercession, praying the words of Jesus, “Your Kingdom come, your will be done”, over people, neighborhoods, cities and nations.
OUR Story
This is the tale of two lives, two countries, and two cultures, brought together by a gracious Father, to create one heart that grieves over the brokenness of our world and pleads for the culture of heaven to pervade time and space. On our journey the Lord taught us about the power of his presence, and how inviting Him to be light in the midst of darkness, breaks chains and brings life. He taught us that prayer, intercession and worship are more than events, songs and sonnets; they are weapons of faith. He taught us how His presence is truly hope, life and joy, because He embodies those very attributes. Even in the midst of the storm and ensuing darkness there is peace to be found in Him.
Worship changes hearts, perspectives, vision & atmospheres. It breaks down spiritual strongholds and exposes us to the eternal, the Kingdom, the divine. This is our reality for through worship we encounter God.
We want to live lives that are present to that reality. More so, we desire that reality for those we love and do life with. We want that for our communities and those we have the privilege to lead and disciple. We want that for the broken, the hurt, the oppressed, and the lost. We want that for people, places, cities, and nations. We believe Jesus wants the same thing.
When we encounter him, we find our own identity. We find the one for which we were made and the very purpose and destiny to which he calls us. For to know his heart, and to hear his voice, is to be able to step into the divine plans he has for you and awake to the essence of who he has made you to be.
Worship grows our intimacy with God. As we worship we see more of who our God is, His Glory, nature and heart. We see a good Father, a complete Savior and the Spirit who indwells and empowers us to live by faith. As we come to know more of his heart, plans, and purposes, our hearts break with His for those who do not yet know His name and for those who are in need of a gospel that extends beyond words into a lifestyle of worship; a Gospel that steps into action.